NFC Enabled Print, it isn’t new, but it’s now.

4 min readNov 13, 2022


NFC enabled printing, it isn’t new, but it’s now. NFC has been around for years now. Near Field Communication tags can be embedded into your business cards, greeting cards and used in a lot of ways. After 2020, the pandemic changed the way we do business. Millions of people started working from home and having just about no contact at all with anyone on the outside. Today we are so germ conscious that we don’t even want to be in the same room with anyone who simply sneezes. Hazmat suits appear from nowhere and the mask police start staring at your every move. Ridiculous, so no one wants to shake your hand anymore or touch anything you touched, it’s crazy. So, what do we do about information, like your business card? I mean really, you can still just hand them out. Pretty sure you won’t get sick. However, if you’re a Germy and can’t get past the pandemic fear factor, then you probably need a different type of card. NFC is that new thing you want try. You can keep it or give it. If you give it away, that person will likely share it with others just to show the technology.

NFC is used by tapping your smartphone to the NFC enabled card or object. It can contain contact information or a URL to a website with more information or a video of your message or product. NFC URL’s can also be updated. This means if your NFC card contains a discount code program, you can always update the URL with new codes so your NFC card gets used often. This of course, would mean you would have to give the card away, but never the less, it makes the potential client stay connected. In many cases, the idea of such a cool card is talked about and demonstrated to other colleagues or family, friends situations.

A fantastic use for NFCs are greeting cards. An NFC enabled greeting card is the perfect way to embed a special message for the receiver. Whether it be business related or a video message from someone who may not be able to attend an event or may not be around much longer. Yes, that is a sad thought, but with the NFC enabled card, the user can always tap the card to replay that special video anytime they want without having tosearch for it or type in the URL.

Another great option is you can also create checkout pages for your clients that are customized to the products or services the often purchase or use. Tapping the NFC product and simply checking out from an already populated checkout page of the product or service they use is convenient and fast. No need to add to cart and fill in the shipping info and billing info, just checkout and done.

NFC is also a great idea for restaurants that want to provide an easy way to select and order the products their customers are looking for. You don’t have to turn on a camera to scan a QR code, you just have to have your phone on and tap the NFC enabled card to open the link. Then just click the link and you’re in. Different QR codes can be used for different menus. Meat eaters and Vegans can have their own menus and access these instantly via NFC enabled menus. Have a daily special? Perfect, connect it to a URL and change it daily. Use an NFC tag specifically for those daily specials. This can be achieved by making an NFC card that attaches to a daily special via website URL.

Christmas 2022 is around the corner and we have a great NFC product we think you’ll love and so will the people you give them to. Check it out.

We think you will find that NFC enabled products may not be the solution to every problem, but they will definitely find their place in the printing world. is a great place to start your NFC journey and see if the technology will work for you. You just need a website link (URL) and content to share, PremiumCards will program the NFC cards to connect to your content or link-tree. Give it some thought and a shot, cheers.




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